Looking for a last minute Spring Break race? Check out the Savannah Publix Women’s Half.
If you are driving back North, after spending time in the warmer, Southern States, this is practically on your way home and the timing couldn't be much better (the race is in less than a week)!

On Saturday, April 6th, women will have the opportunity to run down tree-lined streets, around 12 of the city's scenic squares in the historic district before
a picture-perfect finish at Forsyth Park Fountain.
If you are driving back North, after spending time in the warmer, Southern States, this is practically on your way home and the timing couldn't be much better (the race is in less than a week)!
Be sure to pose for that picture by the finish line before heading to the post-race party, which offers mimosas, music and so much fun.
Because of family schedules, I am unable to run this race as planned, this year, but if you would like to join in on the fun, use discount code BIBSAV20 to save 20% on your registration.
Below, please find numerous BibRave discount codes:
April 20194/6/2019
- Hot Chocolate Philadelphia - Philadelphia, PA
Use code “BRHCPhilly” for a free phone armband!
4/6/2019 - Milwaukee Marathon - Milwaukee, WI
Use code “RUN15” for 15% off any of the three distances!
4/6/2019 - Rugged Maniac 5K Obstacle Run & Mud Run:
Phoenix - Phoenix, AZ
Use code “RUN10” for 10% off!
4/6/2019 - Publix Savannah Women's Half & 5K -
Savannah, GA
Use code “BIBSAV20” for 20% off!
4/7/2019 - Statesman Cap10K - Austin, TX
Use code “BibRave2019Cap10K” for $5 off!
4/7/2019 - United Airlines Rock 'n' Roll San Francisco -
San Francisco, CA
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
4/13/2019 - Tar Heel 10 Miler & Fleet Feet Sports 4
Use code “TARHEELBR10” for 15% off!
4/13/2019 - Blue Ridge Marathon - Roanoke, VA
Use code “BLUERIDGEBIBRAVE” for 20% off!
4/13/2019 - Hot Chocolate Minneapolis - Minneapolis, MN
Use code “BRMINN19” for a free phone armband!
4/14/2019 - Hapalua - Hawaii's Half Marathon - Waikiki
Beach, HI
Use code “BR-HAPALUA” for 10% off!
4/14/2019 - Rutgers Unite Half Marathon & 8K
Use code “UNITEBR10” for 15% off.
4/20/2019 - Rugged Maniac 5K Obstacle Run & Mud Run:
Florida - Dade City, FL
Use code “RUN10” for 10% off!
4/20/2019 - Hot Chocolate Detroit - Detroit, MI
Use code “BRHCDETROIT19” for a free phone armband!
4/25-27/2019 - IL Marathon- Champaign-Urbana, IL
Use code “bibraveillinois2019” for $5 off!
4/25-27/2019 - EDP Rock 'n' Roll Madrid - Madrid, Spain
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
4/27-28/2019 - St. Jude Rock 'n' Roll Nashville -
Nashville, TN
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
4/27/2019 - Hot Chocolate Brooklyn - Brooklyn, NY
Use code “BRBKLYN” for a free phone armband!
4/28/2019 - DC Wonder Woman Run Series - Dallas, TX
Use code “WWBIBRAVE” - good for 10% off across all
4/28/2019 - Ravenswood 5K - Chicago, IL
Use code “RAVENSBR” for a FREE stainless steel water
4/28/2019 - New Jersey Marathon - Oceanport, NJ
Use code “NJMBIBRAVE19” for $5 off any distance
(5K, Half Marathon, Marathon, Marathon Relay).
4/28/2019 - Silicon Valley Half Marathon - San Jose, CA
Use code “BIBRAVE” for 10% off!
4/28/2019 - Delaware Marathon - Wilmington, DE
Use code “DelawareRave19” for 10% off!
May 2019
5/4/2019 - OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon -
Indianapolis, IN
Use code “JoinMe2019” for $5 off (good thru 4/5/19).
5/4-5/2019 - Eau Claire Marathon - Eau Claire, WI
Use code “Bibrave10” for $10 off the Marathon, Half
Marathon or 4 Person Marathon Relay
Use code “Bibrave5” for $5 off the 5K & Kids’ Run
5/4-5/2019 - Cinco De Miler - Chicago, IL
Use code “BIBCINCO19” for $5 off!
5/4-5/2019 - Orange County Marathon - Orange County, CA
Use code “BIBRAVE10” to save 10%, any distance including
the combo run!
5/10-11/2019 - Santa Barbara Wine Country Half Marathon
(Destination Races) - Solvang, CA
Use code “SBBR10” for 15% off!
5/11/2019 - DC Wonder Woman Run Series - Little
Rock, AR
Use code “WWBIBRAVE” - good for 10% off across all
5/18/2019 - Harper’s Ferry Half Marathon - Harper’s
Ferry, WV
Use code “BIBRAVE5WV” for $5 off!
5/18/2019 - Ogden Marathon - Ogden, UT
Use code “OGDEN19” for $10 off FULL or HALF.
5/19/2019 - Byline Bank Chicago Spring Half Marathon -
Chicago, IL
Use code “BRCHISPRING19” for $10 off half/$5 off 10K!
5/25/2019 - Run Madtown presented by SSM Health -
Madison, WI
Use code “RAVENSAVE” for 10% off (excludes kid's race).
5/25/2019 - Soldier Field 10-miler
Use code “BRSOLDIER19” for a FREE stainless steel water
5/26/2019 - Vermont City Marathon - Burlington, VT
Use code “BibRave10” for $10 off!
June 2019
6/1-2/2019 - North Olympic Discovery Marathon - Port
Angeles, WA
Use code “BibRave629” for 5% off!
6/1/2019 - Hospital Hill Run - Kansas City, MO
Use code “BIBRAVE19” for 10% off!
6/1-2/2019 - Rock 'n' Roll San Diego - San Diego, CA
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
6/2/2019 - Run for the Zoo - Chicago, IL
Use code “BIBRAVE” for 10% off!
6/2/2019 - North Shore Half Classic - Chicago, IL
Use code “BRNS19” for a FREE stainless steel water
6/8/2019 - The Governor's Cup - Helena, MT
Use code “GovCupRave19” for 10% off!
6/8-9/2019 - St. Jude Rock 'n' Roll Seattle - Seattle, WA
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
6/9/2019 - DC Wonder Woman Run Series - Chicago -
Gurnee, IL
Use code “WWBIBRAVE” - good for 10% off across all
6/22/2019 - DC Wonder Woman Run Series - Kansas
City, MO
Use code “WWBIBRAVE” - good for 10% off across all
6/22/2019 - Grandma’s Marathon - Duluth, MN
Use code “BIBRAVE10” for $10 off!
6/22/2019 - Big Foot Tri - Lake Geneva, WI
Use code “BRBFT19” for a FREE stainless steel water
6/28-30/2019 - Missoula Marathon - Missoula, MT
Use code “BibRave19” for $5 off!
6/29/2019 - DC Wonder Woman Run Series - Fargo
Use code “WWBIBRAVE” - good for 10% off across all
July 2019
7/4/2019 - Red, White & Boom! TC Half Marathon &
5K - Minneapolis, MN
Use code “18RWBBIBRAVE” - this code is valid for 5% off
the entry fee for the first 50 people to sign up with this code. This code
expires on July 3 at 6:00 p.m. or after 50 uses has been reached.
7/14/2019 - DC Wonder Woman Run Series - Denver
Use code “WWBIBRAVE” - good for 10% off across all
7/20-21/2019 - New Jersey State Triathlon - West Windsor,
Use code “NJSTBR10” for 15% off.
7/20-21/2019 - Humana Rock 'n' Roll Chicago - Chicago, IL
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
7/24/2019 - Downtown Westfield 5K & Pizza
Extravaganza - Westfield, NJ
Use code “WESTFIELDBR19” for exclusive BibRave pricing of
7/24/2019 - Life Time Torchlight 5K - Minneapolis, MN
Use code “RUNWITHFIRE19” for 10% off registration!
August 2019
8/10-11/2019 - Rock 'n' Roll Dublin
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
8/11/2019 - Oaktown Half Marathon - Oakland, CA
Use code “BROAKVIP” for 10% off.
8/17/2019 - Madison Mini-Marathon Half Marathon & 5K
- Madison, WI
Use code “BIBRAVE5” for $5 off.
8/24/-25/2019 - Santa Rosa Marathon - Santa Rosa, CA
Use code “SAVE10" for 10% off!
8/25/2019 - Fort2Base - Fort Sheridan, IL
Use code “BRP19” for 10% off (effective 2/1)
8/31- 9/1/2019 - Rock 'n' Roll Virginia Beach
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
September 2019
9/6-8/2019 - San Francisco Giant Race presented by Alaska
Airlines - San Francisco, CA
Use code “WERUNSF19” for $10 off!
9/7/2019 - DC Wonder Woman Run Series - Salt Lake
Use code “WWBIBRAVE” - good for 10% off across all
9/7/2019 - Run Mag Mile - Chicago, IL
Use code “BIBRM19” for a FREE stainless steel water
9/14/2019- Zooma Women’s Race Series - Great Lakes
- Lake Geneva, WI
Use code “ZOOMABR15” for 15% off race events!
9/14-15/2019 - Nautica Malibu Triathlon - Malibu,
Use code “MALIBUBR10” for 10% off.
9/15/2019 - Humana Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
9/21-22/2019 - Surf City 10 - Huntington Beach, CA
Use code “SC10BR10” for 15% off.
9/21-22/2019 - Oasis Rock 'n' Roll Montréal
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
9/29/2019 - Chicago Half Marathon & 5K - Chicago, IL
Use code “BRCHIHALF19” for $10 off the Half, $5 off the
9/29/2019- Zooma Women’s Race Series - Cape Cod -
Falmouth, MA
Use code “ZOOMABR15” for 15% off race events!
October 2019
10/5-6/2019 - Michelob Ultra Rock 'n' Roll San Jose
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
10/6/2019 - Bucktown 5k - Chicago, IL
Use code “BRBT19” for a FREE stainless steel water
10/6/2019 - Freedom's Run - Shepherdstown, WV
Use code “BIBRAVE5WV” for $5 off!
10/11-13/2019 - jetBlue Long Beach Marathon &
Half Marathon - Long Beach, CA
Use code “LBMBR10” for 15% off.
10/18-19/2019 - Runner's World Half & Festival -
Bethlehem, PA
Use code “RWHALFBIBRAVE19” for 15% off any race distance.
10/19/2019 - Pumpkins in the Park - Chicago, IL
Use code “BRP19” for a FREE stainless steel water bottle!
10/19-20/2019 - Urban Bourbon Half Marathon presented by
Jim Beam - Louisville, KY
Use code “BourbonRave2019” for 10% off (starting Feb. 1)!
10/19-20/2019- Zooma Women’s Race Series - Amelia
Island - Amelia Island, FL
Use code “ZOOMABR15” for 15% off race events!
10/19-20/2019 - Humana Rock 'n' Roll Denver
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
10/19-20/2019 - Detroit Free Press/Chemical Bank Marathon
- Detroit, MI
Use code “2019DETROCKS” for 10% off!
10/19/2019 - Kansas City Marathon - Kansas City, MO
Use code “BIBRAVE2019KCM” for 15% off!
10/20/2019 - Bull City Race Fest and Food Truck Rodeo -
Durham, NC
Use code “BCRFBR10” for 10% off.
10/20/2019 - First Watch Sarasota Half Marathon -
Sarasota, FL
Use code “BRSARASOTA19” for $10 off half and relay and $5
off 10K!
10/20/2019 - IMT Des Moines Marathon - Des Moines, IA
Use code “dmmbibrave2019” for $10 discount on the
following races: IMT Des Moines Marathon, IMT Des Moines Half Marathon, 5-Mile
Run + Marathon, 5-Mile Run + Half Marathon.
10/26/2019 - Healdsburg Wine Country Half Marathon
(Destination Races) - Geyserville, CA
Use code “HEALDSBR10” for 10% off!
November 2019
11/2/2019 - Mushroom Cap Half Marathon - Kennett Square,
Use code “brmushroom19” for $10 off!
11/1-2/2019- Zooma Women’s Race Series - Texas Wine
Country - Fredericksburg, TX
Use code “ZOOMABR15” for 15% off race events!
11/2-3/2019 - Rock 'n' Roll Savannah
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
11/10/2019 - Madison Marathon - Madison, WI
Use code “BRMSN19” for 10% off the half or full marathon!
11/10/2019 - Honor Run - Florence, KY
Use code “BibRave15” for $15 off any event!
11/16-17/2019 - Humana Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
11/28/2019 - North Shore Turkey Trot - Highland Park, IL
Use code “BRNSTT19” for a FREE stainless steel water
11/28/2019 - Art Van Turkey Trot Chicago- Chicago, IL
Use code “TURKEY2019” for 10% off!
11/28/2019 - Turkey Day 5K Minneapolis - Minneapolis, MN
Use code “TURKEY2019” for 10% off!
December 2019
12/7-8/2019 - Humana Rock 'n' Roll San Antonio
Use code “19RNRBRP16” for $16 off half/marathon.
Use code “19RNRBRP6” for $6 off shorter distances.
12/8/19 - Honolulu Marathon - Honolulu, HI
Use code “BIBHNL19” for 10% off!
January 2020
1/19/20 - Key West Half Marathon & 5K - Key West, FL
Use code “BIBRAVE20” for 20% off half marathon.
BibRave is a running community that connects runners with
the best races. It's the place to research races you’re considering signing up
for, and a place to leave feedback on races you’ve completed. BibRave is also a
way for races and running brands to connect with socially savvy runners -
through our popular weekly Twitter chat, #BibChat, and our large ambassador
network - BibRave Pros. The list below captures all of the current active
BibRave partner race discount codes. Use the codes below to receive discounts
on registration for our partner races. Visit https://www.bibrave.com/
for more information and contact info@bibrave.com
with any questions!
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