Friday, January 4, 2019

Confessions of a Lazy Runner

In 2018, I ran 598.7 miles.  This is significantly less than anticipated. 

I should have know that my annual mileage would be low, especially since consistency has always been a struggle, which is the primary reason I sign up for so many Half Marathons (usually one per month):  At least I’ll get 13.1 miles in each month.

New year running resolution if I write (type) it, I must accomplish it! 

This year, I am going to set a reachable goal of 750 miles and will be celebrating like a Boston Qualifier if I end up tracking 1,000 miles for the year.

750/52 = Approx 14.5 miles/week
1,000/52 = Approx 19.5 miles/week

750/12 = Approx 62.5 miles/month
1,000/12 = Approx 83.5 miles/month

How about you:  Do you have any mileage goals for 2019?  How do you stay motivated to keep going when the blankets are so warm, the pizza is so delicious and the work day is exhausting?

Do you need help staying motivated?  Would registering for races help?

I will run in (for the 7th time) the Gazelle Girl Half in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  This event started as a celebration of Title IX, the law that made discrimination between men's and women's educational programs illegal.  The event has really grown, over the years, and has raised funds for Girls on the Run of Kent and Muskegon Counties in addition to the Gazelle Sports Foundation, Grand Rapids Opportunity for Women and YWCA. 

Last year, I ran the Savannah Publix Women’s Half and had such a wonderful time!  The route starts and ends at Forsyth Park, down tree-lined streets, around 12 of the city's scenic squares in the historic district before a picture-perfect finish at Forsyth Park Fountain.  The post-race party was like something I had never experienced:  Mimosas in Forsyth Park!  I have already signed up for this Half.  If you would like to join me, use discount code BIBSAV20 to save 20% on your registration.

In fact, here are some additional discount codes:
January 2019
1/12/2019 - Irvine Half Marathon & 5K - Irvine, CA
Use code “BRSCVIP” for 10% off!
1/13/2019 - Hot Chocolate San Francisco - San Francisco, CA
Use code “BRHCSanFran” for a free phone armband!
1/19/2019 -  Hot Chocolate Charlotte - Charlotte, NC
Use code “BRHCCharlotte” for a free phone armband!
1/27/2019 - Fitbit Miami Marathon and Half Marathon - Miami, FL
Use code “BIBRAVE19” for $10 off the full & half (includes the combo options of full + 5K, half + 5K etc.) and $5 for the Tropical 5K alone.

February 2019
2/1-3/2019 - Surf City Marathon & Half Marathon - Huntington Beach, CA
Use code “SCMBR10” for 10% off!
2/3/2019 - Hot Chocolate Houston - Houston, TX
Use code “BRHCHouston” for a free phone armband!
2/3/2019 - San Jose 408K - Huntington Beach, CA
Use code “BIBRAVE” for $3 off!
2/9/2019 - Hot Chocolate Dallas - Dallas, TX
Use code “BRHCDallas” for a free phone armband!
2/9-10/2019 - Daytona Beach Half Marathon
Use code “DBHMRAVE19” for 10% off the half, half relay or challenges. This code is good until 1/31/2019.
2/16/2019 - Hot Chocolate Nashville - Nashville, TN
Use code “BRHCNashville” for a free phone armband!
2/17/2019 - Hot Chocolate Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
Use code “BRHCAtlanta” for a free phone armband!

March 2019
3/3/2019 - Livermore Valley Half Marathon & 5K - Livermore, CA
Use code “BRLIVVIP” for 10% off!
3/3/2019 - Napa Valley Marathon and Half Marathon - Napa, CA
Use code “19NVMRAVE10OFF” for $10 off.
3/3/2019 - Hot Chocolate Seattle - Seattle, WA
Use code “BRHCSeattle” for a free phone armband!
3/15-17/2019 - Portland Shamrock Run - Portland, OR
Use code “SHAMROCKBR10” for 10% off!
3/17/2019  - Tobacco Road Marathon & Half Marathon - Cary, NC
Use code “trmrave19” for $20 off!
3/24/2019 - Hot Chocolate San Diego - San Diego, CA
Use code “BRHCSanDiego” for a free phone armband!
3/30/2019 - Hot Chocolate Indianapolis - Indianapolis, IN
Use code “BRHCIndy” for a free phone armband!
3/31/2019 - Philadelphia Love Run Half Marathon - Philadelphia, PA
Use code “LOVEBR10” for 10% off!

April 2019
4/6/2019 - Hot Chocolate Philadelphia - Philadelphia, PA
Use code “BRHCPhilly” for a free phone armband!
4/6/2019 - Publix Savannah Women's Half & 5K - Savannah, GA
Use code “BIBSAV20” for 20% off!
4/7/2019 - Statesman Cap10K - Austin, TX
Use code “BibRave2019Cap10K” for $5 off!
4/13/2019 - Tar Heel 10 Miler & Fleet Feet Sports 4 Miler
Use code “TARHEELBR10” for 10% off!
4/14/2019 - Rutgers Unite Half Marathon & 8K
Use code “UNITEBR10” for 10% off.
4/25-27/2019 -  IL Marathon- Champaign-Urbana, IL
Use code “bibraveillinois2019” for $5 off!
4/28/2019 - New Jersey Marathon - Oceanport, NJ
Use code “NJMBIBRAVE19” for $5 off any distance (5K, Half Marathon, Marathon, Marathon Relay).
4/28/2019 - Silicon Valley Half Marathon - San Jose, CA
Use code “BIBRAVE” for 10% off!

May 2019
5/10-11/2019 - Santa Barbara Wine Country Half Marathon (Destination Races) - Solvang, CA
Use code “SBBR10” for 10% off.
5/25/2019 - Run Madtown presented by SSM Health - Madison, WI
Use code “RAVENSAVE” for 10% off (excludes kid's race).
5/26/2019 - Vermont City Marathon - Burlington, VT
Use code “BibRave10” for $10 off!

June 2019
6/1/19 - Starlight Run - Portland, OR
Use code “STARBR10” for 10 % off.

July 2019
7/20-21/19 - New Jersey State Triathlon - West Windsor, NJ
Use code “NJSTBR10” for 10% off.
7/20-21/19 - Napa to Sonoma Wine Country Half Marathon (Destination Races) - Sonoma, CA 
Use code “N2SBR10” for 10% off.

August 2019
8/11/2019 - Oaktown Half Marathon - Oakland, CA
Use code “BROAKVIP” for 10% off.

September 2019
9/14-15/2019 - Nautica Malibu Triathlon -  Malibu, CA 
Use code “MALIBUBR10” for 10% off.
9/21-22/2019 - Surf City 10 - Huntington Beach, CA
Use code “SC10BR10” for 10% off.

October 2019
10/11-13/19 -  jetBlue Long Beach Marathon & Half Marathon - Long Beach, CA
Use code “LBMBR10” for 10% off.
10/20/19 - Bull City Race Fest and Food Truck Rodeo - Durham, NC
Use code “BCRFBR10” for 10% off.

Also, if you are interested in any races in the Ann Arbor, Michigan area (Go Green), use discount code RFNY19 for $5 off on any open 2019 Event Registration.

Have a great run!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Review: Zwift

Disclaimer: I received a Zwift Foot Pod to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews.

I hate running on the dreadmill, so much so that I never call that machinery the proper name. I am afraid of ice because I know that it will to fall. So when I was presented with the opportunity to test Zwift for virtual running I thought perhaps this would be an opportunity to embrace dreadmill running. And let's be honest, running is always be better with technology enhancements (AfterShokz Trez Air, MapMyRun, Garmin,etc).

The Zwift foot pod came in the mail with instructions on how to activate. I did need a little assistance from other Bib Rave Pros as it was so small, I was worried that it would break, when I took it apart to set it up. 

My account was free and easy to set up. The app was easy to download onto my iPad. It seems as though there is a large bicycle following and application, which I am sure my spouse will want to try. 

To get the foot pod to calibrate with other technology, it is important to have the smooth side facing the top of the foot. If problems persist, one may need to take the battery out and try a reset.

There are all sorts of virtual group runs scheduled. BibRavePros participated in an Orange BibRave Virtual Run on December 18th and participants passed familiar people, while bikes also passed runners.  

Use the discount code BibRave15 for 15% off the cost of the Zwift RunPod at (discount is good for first 1000 Pods to use the code).

REVIEW: Buff USA EcoStretch

Disclaimer: I received a Buff USA Original EcoStretch to use and review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRav...